Our goal and purpose for this Bible School is for all that attend to be instructed in the ways of God and be drawn closer to Him. We desire to provide you with an environment that allows you to seek the Kingdom of God with minimal distractions. Ultimately, our goal is to see the Lord Jesus glorified in each of our lives!!

Jesus says: “…..love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.” (Matthew 22:37)

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We would love to hear from you if you have questions in regards to Bible School, or Christianity in general. Perhaps you have some suggestions that would enhance the experience of Bible School, please share them with us. You may ask your questions and give your suggestions in advance with the submission of your application or give them to us throughout the week of Bible School.

~Thank you for taking an interest in Bible School!

~May God richly bless you as you come and receive teaching and instruction for your life from the Word of God.